Great game. Standard for MMO, you have to grind, and not much in terms of missions, but there are still many things to do. There are no automatic fighting, but the interface is easy to handle during a fight. The mechanics of elaboration and construction are easy to learn and everything you can want, you can elaborate. Your character can fulfill any paper, just need to level the skills and get the equipment. You can buy most of the articles market in the game. You can pay $ real to get more in game currency or get sales.
This is a fantastic MMO that you can play with your friends. Mechanics are easy to collect and enjoy, the team customizes their game options, is easy to collect and fun to relax. Updates, an economy of players, is popular and you can play in safe areas and your island to relax. It is a game that I visit again from time to time. Attention focuses on combat and economy. Not feed the trolls.
Better game! So much to do from agriculture to elaboration, not just the fight. The fact that you can play mobile or PC is also fantastic. What a good thought, system, environment! You can join the guilds, factions, sand fights and even better is that you do not die in most areas, which is what impressed me. Other games that I have made you die and lose all your articles.
It is a great game, but the delay is very often and unpleasant. It has prevented me from seeing how my construction strategies work and they made me kill because enemies can continue attacking, but I can\'t. If you die enough, it has been uploading again for 10 minutes, instead of, what 30 seconds? The game is all Ases. In fact, it is one of the best games I have played. The raw potential that Albion has is nothing less than inspiring astonishment.