the greatest video game ever comes to iOS
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on the Wii is, in my opinion, the absolute best video game ever created. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I love this game. The cantina brawls, the highly destructible levels, the Yoda force ghost character that cost like a billion studs... It’s simply and totally a masterpiece. The levels know when to flood the room with enemies and when to hold up and let you solve the puzzle. The combat is so fluid and fun, the way Han Solo spins around like a freaking secret agent dodging bullets and answering with shots of his own, the lightsaber parrying, the way you can double jump with the Jedi characters and ram your lightsaber into the ground. TT Games surely had fun hiding little comedic details in the levels, like the stormtroopers wearing bathing suits or the way that the stormtrooper helmet doesn’t quite fit on Chewbacca’s head. The cutscenes somehow convey so much emotion without even uttering a word of dialogue. The stud-collecting, the LEGO building, and the interacting with the level with the Force. It is extremely fun and definitely the best way to experience the Star Wars saga.