Clean, uncomplicated fun
I have played this game for over three years, and it has remained a constant on my phone when other downloaded games have come and gone. There’s a ridiculous number of similar puzzle games out there, but I’ve stuck to this one for its simplicity and for its variety. There are no in-game ads to deal with, and runs fine offline (though to receive extra lives and daily items/challenges, you’ll want to check it with WiFi when available). Levels CAN be extremely challenging, but if you’re scrupulous with your resources there’s no real reason why you HAVE to spend money on it. I have occasionally bought booster packs for weekend team tournaments, but I don’t mind spending less than $7 maybe every other month to help support the game. Fifty new levels drop every two weeks, and no end in sight! Finding a good team to join is really important, though - you don’t have to be sociable, but look for an active team to send free lives and net free resources with the Team Chest, and you’ll have a MUCH better experience. Feel free to look for my team, High2High!